Feel free to phone - we are happy to help if we can.
Many of your questions are answered on our FAQ:
(Frequently Asked Questions – answered – press
Phone UK +44 020 7993 6415 or - USA +(1) 718 788 1468
Please note we are often, incorrectly, marked as the number
for the Royal Opera House and the Piazza -
Please visit the Q&A for
numbers and information.
25 Minton Mews, London, NW6 1XX UK
The street site with the only map of
central London that shows you around
At last - proud to present the new Main Map of the centre of London. It
has been updated and now has clearer colouring. It extends from Bond
Street to Hyde Park - Westward and down to include the London Eye to
the South.
We are increasing the number of beautiful images. In the pipeline are a
host of old engravings of Covent Garden long ago from Ray Green's
collection - these have not been seen before. New songs from street
entertainers, and new pictures and photographs from local artists and
market traders. We are also putting together a photo gallery of
pictures you can use for personal and non profit use.
'LOOKING UP'. Photographs of Covent Garden and the surrounding area
have been brought together from various sources.
A special look at the architecture and building detail in a new column
due in June 2009.
We writeabout special people, places and things you can only find in the best
shopping centre in London..
New articles from the editor – look at the latest
under reviews.'
A collection of new products and ideas coming soon on the shopping cart.
The cool way to find your way around the site. Just type in
the word banana for instance
More anon
Who we are and contact details on page 2 ....
Acknowledgement & thanks to:
Paul Armitage [webmaster], Richard Bannister (Access11) [bandwidth] , Rayservers [hosting], George Chkiantz [technician], Roger Francis
[songs], Chris Leiby [data], Jackie Mackay [management exec & editor] , Paul Magdassian [artist], Tony Reading
[fundamental support, theatre photos, cartography, and web maintenance] Derek Reed [histories, Silvermaze maps, Silvermaze Main Map]
Ian Tait [webmaster & supporter], KasiaTymoszewska [Theatre supporter], Golda Velez [WebGlimpse]site search engine
This FAQ (frequently asked questions) is also
a running Q&A (questions & Answers) so you can ask and we will answer or find out for you.
Terms & Conditions
Please let us know if they are in any way too obscure or 'legalese' We
have tried to make them both tight and understandable.
Scape Map of London
Kensington to City
You can buy a poster of the large complete 'scape'
map of London