This no profit site is for the benefit of VISITORS to our 3 Square miles of central London. The map is the best and a guide to fine selection of places is the rest.– Enjoy with NO ADS – Support us by theatre bookings and buying maps.


To buy maps click here. There is plenty about shopping and what to do while you are at it. We are adding some selected great things to our shopping cart as ideas for quality bargain gifts from English suppliers.

Eating & Drinkin g Icon EATING & DRINKING

We recommend great restaurants and places to hang out. Example of lesser known hotels and galleries with outstanding food - famous, cheap and special deals with theatres. The blog highlights superior services and finds - often flagged in the right hand column of CONTENTS.


Click here to go to the main map.

Booking Icon THEATRE

Choose your show or play from the West End theatreland - and more. - All about the play (original reviews & briefs), the cast, pictures, places to eat, times. Also 3D map of the theatres and a unique index for you to see what's on at a glance - And easy to book the show as we direct you to the correct page for the show.

Histories Icon HISTORIES

Why has this tiny patch of the world been a centre of attention trade, fashion and entertainment for thousands of years? See the histories of Covent Garden and the 'Histories of Things' and histories in the Blog History enriches the experience.

Future Icon FUTURE

Our main mission to conserve the heritage, cultures and country tradition of the area's shops, hostelries, and galleries. We support those with a tradition of excellence - or modern outstanding value. We also support street vendors and artists St James's Church. Our charity is the homeless.


Blog & Twitter Icon BLOG & TWITTER

Our Twitter is coventdash. Building again - by hand. (Our twitterer got headhunted to Peru). Things we love will be blogged and tweeted. Smaller communities or 'locales' such as Covent Garden, Soho, Mayfair Park Lane, Grosvenor Square, Bond Street, South Bank and St James's, get their own space on the blog.
Check what Jermyn Street has in common with Covent Garden... and follow us. Twitter Logo

Arts Icon ARTS

This series of pages of photos paintings, essays and music is under development. Meanwhile a folio of Sean Nye's London EYE photos. Downloads soon.

Reviews Link Logo REVIEWS

These are reviews of anything we like - no really like - from market stall mini-interviews to short bloggy raves. Some of the reviews are waiting to be put in the history pages - the memorable ex's.

Q & A Icon Q&A or FAQ

See the page with popular questions and answers including how to put yourself on the map.



This site is just too big for menus. That's why we have a search of everything including over 10 years of archives. Works just like google without the guesswork. Try it.

Crowd of Shoppers

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or use FAQ

Buy 3D map
Hilton Shoe Shine
A cut above a quick (thank you ma'am) buff-up... this shoeshine is the best anywhere near covent-garden and expert leather care. See blog.
Map with spots
Our selections of Chinatown
A clip of clasical 'buskers' in Covent Garden is from Patsy Koay our Asia Pac -Business Partner who revisited Covent Garden last Summer and captured the high energy skill of the entertainers to a happy crowd'. The music is 'Infernal Gallop' better known as the 'can-can' by Offenbach.
Apple amrket Buskers
Tower Banner Bond Street
Westminster Map